
    Add a new submodule πŸ”—

    For path prefer relative paths (See example below)

    git submodule add ../ts_lib.git

    Using already setup submodules πŸ”—


    Initialize πŸ”—

    git submodule update --init --recursive

    Update πŸ”—

    git pull --recurse-submodules


    Problem with absolute links πŸ”—

    Uses using HTTPS need one format while users using SSH need a different format

    HTTPS Format πŸ”—

    [submodule "modules/mySubmodule"]
        path = modules/mySubmodule
        url =

    SSH Format πŸ”—

    [submodule "modules/mySubmodule"]
        path = modules/mySubmodule
        url =

    They relate the submodule link to the link of the parent module, so it omits what protocol to use for the connection and therefore works for both. This means it will only work if both repos are hosted on the same service. If not in the same top level account just use the appropriate number of ../. So if in the same account you would use ../ whereas if they were in different ones you would use ../../

    Relative Format πŸ”—

    [submodule "modules/mySubmodule"]
        path = modules/mySubmodule
        url = ../mySubmodule.git

    NB: Not tested

    1. Modify the URL value in the .gitmodules file to make it relative. Then commit this file to Git.
    2. Force submodules to resynchronize with the modified file using the following command in the folder with the modified .gitmodules file (not necessarily the repository root if its submodules contain other nested submodules)
    git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

    Remove a submodule πŸ”—

    git rm <path-to-submodule>